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Tsubakiyama Gallery Participates Art Fair Tokyo '19

Exhibition: Selected Artworks of Shen Shu-Bin - Reflections on Self-Existence

Tsubakiyama Gallery is pleased to participate Art Fair Tokyo '19 and present a selected collection of artworks from artist Shen Shu-Bin. Majority of the artworks are newly created by the artist and will be shown to public for the first time during Art Fair Tokyo '19.

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Location: Tokyo International Forum, Hall E

Booth #: G66

Date: Mar 7 - Mar 10, 2019

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About the Exhibition and the Artist:

Artist Shen Shu-Bin’s works are an amalgamation of his reflections and thoughts, under the continuous process of mutual collision and union between his self and the environment, they outline the silhouette of his human spirit. Shen’s early works deal mostly with his experiences vis-à-vis the harsh realities of life, and embody a certain degree of maudlin introspection toward the dynamic developments in today’s world, but also rejoice humanity’s capacity to love and be loved. His recent works, on the other hand, have regressed to center on the ascetic individual, many of which explore the existence of the individual and the group as well as the marginalization of his will. He directly invokes philosophical concepts, and through the deft usage of symbolic abstraction, distills them into the expression of his artistic creations. It is not a coincidence for the artist to adopt animal motifs instead of human figures in his works: animals are closer to the reflection and abstraction of reality, and are hence better able to give the viewer deeper insight into another side of society, one which includes the animalism and spiritualism of the human condition.


The works showcased at Art Fair Tokyo were selected from 4 series of a collection recently commissioned within the past two years: the “Noah’s Ark” series and the “Embracing” series both embody one’s yearning for closeness, reconciliation and redemption; the “Tower of Will” series explores the unconsciousness of the individual will in a group setting, as well as its manifestations alongside its limitations and its core values vis-à-vis its representation; the “Reflections on Self-existence” series explores existentialism’s view on life “is what it is not”, and on life “is not what it is”, and so gives an in-depth look into the advent of self-denial and the transcendence of nihilism.

この度Art Fair Tokyoで展示されているものは、この二年間に作者が創作した四つのシリーズ作品です。「ノアの方舟」シリーズと「抱擁」シリーズは命と命との間の親しみ、和解、救済に対する憧れを表現しようとしています。「意志の塔」シリーズは集団中の個体の意志と無意識、意志の顕揚と制限、本質と表象を探求しようとしています。「自我の存在に関する思考」シリーズは実存主義の「あらぬところのものであり(is what it is not)」や「あるところのものであらぬ(is not what it is)」、自己否定と自己超越の無に対する探究結果です。

Artist / 原作者 申樹斌 (シェン シュウビン)

1978 Born in Shanxi, China


2000 Graduated with Bachelor’s degree from Shanxi University College of Fine Arts


2007 Graduated with Master’s degree in Oil Painting from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts


2015 Awarded Talented Youth in Art by National Art Foundation and Youth in Art +


Current Lives and Works in Beijing

今 北京在住

Selected Solo Exhibition / 主な個展

2018 Rebirth, public sculpture project, Hanwei Int’l Art Center, Beijing, China

            「蘇生」公共芸術彫塑プロジェクト 漢威国際芸術センター(北京・中国)

2017 Rebirth on the Road of Pilgrimage, Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China

「天路蘇生」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 北京民生現代美術館(北京・中国)

2016 Heavenly Creation, Liang Ma Art Museum, Beijing, China

「天工開物」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 亮馬美術館(北京・中国)

2014 Heavenly Creation, RAAB Galerie, Berlin, Germany

「天工開物」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 Raab画廊(ドイツ・ベルリン)

Ignorance of Flooding, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

「狂流飛逝」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 今日美術館(北京・中国)

A Better World, Hakaren Art Gallery, Singapore, Singapore

「美麗家園」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 Hakaren Art Gallery(シンガポール)

Senses, Shanxi Art Museum, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

「境」申樹斌個人作品展覧会 山西美術館(太原・中国)

Selected Group Exhibition / 主なグループ展

2018 Décalage Horaire, Youth+ Art Exhibition, Espace Culturel Marc Jacquet de Barbizon, France


Dimensions of Earth: Contemporary Vision in Art, Lu Museum, Shijiazhuang, China

「大地の次元 ― 芸術で現代を描く」麓美術館(石家荘・中國)

Multi-Artco Existence, Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, Taiyuan, China


2017 No Borders: Modern China Oil Painting Exhibition, NewPort News, VA, USA


Curitiba International Biennial, Brazil
